Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sick of this!

So, Ibis lost his job this past week.....for the second time in one month! Oy! There's just not enough work for the companies to keep so many employees. It's a little disheartening, but I know that things will turn around. We have some money in the pipes coming to us from taxes, Wheel of Fortune and EduDance. Luckily, I've been busy with that this semester and I'm making enough money to cover our bills for now. Not sure how things might play out in the long term, but for now, we're doing okay. :o)

Here are a couple of pics of Marli. She's just too cute!

This was taken in Tijuana at Ibis's aunt and uncle's home. We were down there for Abuela's funeral service.

This was on our little trip to the zoo in December. She loved the goats!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited that you started this blog! But I'm sorry to hear about Ibis. Just try to stay postitive. Things have an awesome way of working themselves out.
